Saturday, July 7, 2018

Example Charts (14) - Depression (Indications & Remedies)

Mo and Sat conjunction know as VISH yog, means sat shows deally in life and sit with moon who is blissful and joy full planet so its causes depression.

SAT having directional strength so dominating moon, it's a strong VISH yog.

This person always feel disappointment,
For depresion one more indication here, moon aspected by Mars, and moon and mars aspect is good by conjunction with sat is problem here.So moon is hanged between sat and mars.

So the planet Mars tell take action and sat says slow move, so confusion.

And moon is at Duel sign another problem,  

Moon and Mars conjunction called Sasi Mangala yoga, but here sat creating problem.

Jup debilitated at 5th house,

Moon is the natural significator of 4th house, and Jup is debilitated 4th house lord, sats and mars aspecting to 4th house so 4th house is badly damaged its add to problem, this person feels lifeless and hopeless internally,

Krishna signifies - Moon
Ram signifies - Sun
Durga Devi for - Venus

Another significator of 4t house is venus its placed at 11th house 4 sign
Rahu from the 12 house aspecting 4th house,

Gochara - Jup is now at 7 libra sign and aspecting 6tha nd 10th house where ASC lord has placed Mer is ASC lord, JUP aspecting to Mer and ACS lord shows the action you want to do, this person will feel hopeful towards life,
12th lord is at 10th house so person will go foreign lad for master study.

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