Saturday, July 7, 2018

Example Charts (22) - Athlete (Love Marriage)

6th lord placed at ASC so this native will be hard working, 5th lord placed at ASC is very good for name and fame, because originally Leo is 5th house so name and fame status royalty.

12th lord SUN is placed at 10th house directional strength, shows does very good on foreign land , beginning expenditure pertaining towards carrier .

Mer ASC lord placed at 10th house is vadra mahapurush yog, its very good focused in carrier.

Gemini is the originally 3rd house and shows 12th from 4th house which is house of settlement.
This person always keep moving lots of traveling.

Two fire planet at 10th house shows lots of energy

Co lord of 6th house Rahu placed 11th house if 6th and 11th connected shows we can be a good as employee .
Moon is 3rd house natural house of travel, most of the money from 3rd.
11th lord telling where income is coming, planets placed at 11th house tell you which planet give you income.

Ketu is the co - ruler of 3rd house (8) sign placed at 5th house and aspecting to ASC saying keep moving short travel.

Jup directions strength ,person like to stay at homeland, 7th lord connected with ASC shows opposite people with you.

Mother passed early because moon is the natural signification of mother debilitate and aspected by malefic rahu and sat so.
If sat and rahu combined aspecting any place then shows its a curse.

Moon is not good because 3rd is 12 from 4th house of which moon is karak.

RAHU conjunct with VEN show that inter-caste marriage.

Love marriage because 5th lord sat aspecting 7th house.   

If lagna lord goes away to 6th then person like stay away from opposite sex.
Other lord of ASC ketu is placed at 9th with 10th lord and ASC another lord mars is at 6th house celibacy shows and 9th spirituality combined beautiful and shows this person is a monk.

This person staying at temple and its a large organization so 11th is large network and 8th is occult , mistry both lord placed at 10th house as career or work ., meer represent people communication.

SAT and MOON conjunction know as vish yog means stay alone some time , this person involve in yoga, 2nd house is family or people near to you, the family life can be not unconventional.

7th lord is at 8th and aspected another natural malefic planet sat shows denal of marriage , this person is not interested in women.

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