Saturday, July 7, 2018

Secrets of Badhak Planets (How to use them)

Movable Sign =  1,4,7,10 = Sign in the 11th House Badhaka, Planet ruling the house.

For Cancer (4) asc 2(Tures) sign is badhak even if this is exalted sign which is placed at 11th house.
Its does not mean if moon places at tures its bad , its simple mean too much luxury , too much sexuality, should have control, Taurus represent family and moon represent public,

For Leo (5) asc 1(Aris) sign is badhak even if this is exalted sign which is placed at 9th House

Fixed Sign - 2,5,8,11 = Sign in the 9th house become Badhak,

Dule sign - 3,6,9,12 = Sign in 7th house the badhak

Rule - Count from 1st to 12 in order 
(Movable , Fixed , Duel)
1 , 2 , 3 ,
4 , 5 , 6 ,
7 , 8 , 9 ,

 10 , 11, 12 ,


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