Saturday, July 7, 2018

Example Charts (20) - Foreign Settlement

This person is belonging to research sector,

Moon is ASC and placed at 12th house foreign land
ASC lord shows body, ASC shows intelligence, where ASC goes shows where interlizens going.

Mer is 3rd and 12th lord means 3rd is short travel and 12th is long travel, ASC lord is with Mer
Mer which is 12th lord placed at 12 so viparita raj yoga,
10th house lord is at 7th house and exaltation good for name and fame status
Rahu is placed at 7th house co ruler of 8th lord so this person is in research though rahu represent foreign land so this happening at foreign land.

Jup at 5th house good for education, and 9th lord so this person must have students in his life.
Jup which is 9th lord aspecting to ASC shows this person's premery should be giving guidance to others. Linkage with ASC and 9th shows providing guidance to others.

11th hose sat and ven conjuncted shows beautiful lots of houses to stay.
7th lord sat linkage with 4th lord ven shows people settle at abroad because  7th house is 4 from 4th house shows home away from home some other place,
4th lord in 11th shows settlement at foreign away from home, external transformation, because count from 4th house to 11th house 8th house will appear so 8th house shows external transformation.
6th lord in 5th house good form technical learning.

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